Parental Involvement Documents
- 2023-2024 Timmerman ES Parent & Family Engagement Plan
- Timmerman 2023-2024 Home -School Compact
- Title 1 Presentation
2023-2024 Timmerman ES Parent & Family Engagement Plan
Timmmerman believes that a partnership must exist between our parents, our community, and our school. We promote positive communication between the school and our students’ homes. The school provides a variety of opportunities for parents and community members to be involved through an array of activities. We will provide activities and materials that can successfully be used at home to reinforce academic success for children.
It is our goal to provide an atmosphere where parents are able to express their views and to assist in problem solving. We want parents to understand that we view them as partners in their student’s academic success. The following is a list of services and
activities that promote parental involvement and provide additional support for student learning:
- School staff will use a variety of communication strategies to provide information to parents and to increase parental involvement in supporting classroom instruction(s).
- Teachers will routinely contact parents on an individual basis to communicate about their child’s progress.
- The school will provide parents with online report cards and/or standard based achievement every trimester.
- The school provides an online student handbook, Skyward Parent Portal, an email communication system for parents to contact the Timmerman Elementary school staff, and a Timmerman School website.
- The school will schedule/ be available for parent meetings, conferences and activities regularly throughout the year to increase parental involvement and build staff capacity to engage in these types of efforts.
- Timmerman will host Coffee with the Principal: Parents/Guardians will hear from and
learn from Timmerman’s Principal. They will be given time to ask questions and voice
their concerns. This will be done in the 2nd Semester.
- Timmerman will host Coffee with the Principal: Parents/Guardians will hear from and
- The school will provide information to parents about volunteer opportunities, through 2023-2024:
- Programs such as Reading Buddies, tutoring, Mystery Readers, classroom helpers, assisting with activities, PTO, etc.
- Providing a list of volunteer opportunities and soliciting ideas for other types of volunteer efforts such as chaperoning field trips, assisting with movie nights/
activity nights and school dances, etc. - Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteers
- Teachers will explain the requirements to parents and encourage them to become involved in school.
- Timmerman will work with parents to create a Timmerman School-Parent-Student Compact.
Timmerman provides a School-School, Staff-Parent and Parent-Student Compact. This compact will outline how parents, school staff and students share the
responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It will provide the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help
children achieve the state’s high academic standards. All stakeholders will review, agree to and sign the compact.
5. When are the policies reviewed?
- The parent Involvement policies are reviewed annually with Timmerman Elementary’s CAAC Committee and these are public meetings open to all Timmerman families.
- This meeting will discuss Title 1 programs, School Curriculum, and assessment data.
- The Timmerman Family Engagement plan will be posted on our Timmerman School website and an email message to the community will go out once the plan has been reviewed.
Timmerman 2023-2024 Home -School Compact
Student Responsibilities:
• Set learning goals and do my best to achieve the goals.
• Give my parents/guardians all notices, information, and graded work received by me.
• Come to school ready to learn.
• Always try to do my best and ask for help when I don’t understand.
• Return signed papers to my teacher when necessary.
• Discuss with my parents/guardians what I am learning in school.
• Show respect to teachers, adults, classmates, and myself.
• Make a commitment to read every day.
• Do my best in all of my class work and homework.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:
• Spend quality time with my child reading, writing, listening, or talking about the school day.
• Make every effort to make sure my child is in attendance and on time for school.
• Monitor and promote positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.
• Maintain open lines of communication with teachers and staff.
• Support the school by assisting in my child’s learning while praising and encouraging his/her efforts.
Staff Responsibilities:
• Encourage high standards of academic achievement, positive behavior, and life-long learning.
• Establish and maintain an open line of communication and collaboration with all.
• Teach and encourage children to reach learning goals and be responsible for learning.
• Maintain the highest level of professionalism at all times.
• Provide a safe and caring learning environment.
• Meet the individual needs of each student.