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Theodor Timmerman Elementary School

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Homework Policy

Timmerman Elementary Homework Policy

Based on PISD’s Homework Policy as well as the research of Marzano and Cooper


At Timmerman, the purpose of homework is to reinforce, enrich and extend material that has been presented in class. Because the needs of each grade level are unique, each grade level has requirements and guidelines that are particular to that grade and age of student.



Less than 2 hours per week consisting of:

            --10-15 minutes of reading (being read to or reading themselves)

            --supplemental activity to reinforce and review skills


            --teacher and parents will monitor homework using notes, phone calls and/or daily sign-sheets

            --students will be held accountable for the completion of homework

            --if not completed, students will be given another copy to complete during spare time and/or a      phone call will be made to home


Grade 1

Less than 2 hours per week consisting of:

            --a minimum of 15 minutes of reading Monday through Thursday

            --10 minutes per night of spelling

            --10 minutes per week of math


            --homework will be graded as completed/not completed

            --incomplete homework will be completed during recess or center time


Grade 2

Not to exceed 2 hours per week consisting of:

            --a minimum of 20 minutes per night of reading or 80 minutes per week

            --10 minutes per night or 40 minutes per week on spelling, vocabulary or math at the discretion of the teacher and consideration of each child’s needs


            --not all homework will be counted as a grade; teacher will notify parents if the homework will     be counted as a grade

            --homework grades do not count as much as in-class assignments

            --students will have 3 opportunities to complete homework


Grade 3

Not to exceed 1 hour per night Monday through Thursday consisting of:

            --30 minutes of reading

            --15 minutes of math

            --10 minutes of spelling


            --homework will be graded as completed/not completed

            --students will complete their homework during spare time and/or recess

            --unsatisfactory will be marked on the student’s conduct sheet if homework is not             turned in four times during a week


Grade 4

Not to exceed 4 hours per week consisting of:

            --30 minutes per night of reading Monday through Thursday or 120 minutes per week

            --5 minutes per night of spelling Monday through Thursday or 20 minutes per week

            --100 minutes of other homework from math, science, social studies, writing or projects


            --incomplete class work that is taken home for homework will be graded and 10 points

            deducted for each day that it is late  

            --extensions and projects that are assigned for homework will be graded as follows:

                        +     = 100

                        a+ = 90

                        a    = 80

                        a- = 70

                         -     = 50

            --all other homework will be graded based on completion. Completed, on time homework in this  category will receive a 100. Missing homework in this category will receive a zero. These will be          cumulatively scored and will count as 10% of the student’s overall six week grade.


Grade 5

Not to exceed 4 hours per week; does not include reading log time or long term projects


            --all homework is graded though it does not count as much as class work

            --homework must be completed; if it is not completed at home, it must be completed during

            spare time or recess

            --points will be deducted for late work